Packages and closures for packaging

We'd like to invite you to participate in the meetings!

On our blog, we often talk about environment protection, the carbon footprint left in the production and transportation of various types of packaging and products, we discuss recycling – its effectiveness in its current form, its varieties, as well as properties.
We supply plastic to the market, so we feel responsible for its quality, and whether there are realistic ways to put it back into use.
Apart from the fact that you can read it on our blog, there are occasions during which you can listen to us, watch us and even take part in multimedia presentations!

We'd like to invite you to participate in the latter!

June 13 – Kielce,
Slavic Beauty B2B contracting days, Kielce Trade Fair
June 14 – on-line,
Beauty Innovations, the conference organized by Biotechnologia
During these events, Małgorzata Chomiuk, the Polpak Packaging Marketing Manager, will present information on how to deal with plastic in an easy and difficult way, why it’s the best and the worst material at the same time, what to do to get rid of it, and what to do in order to keep it?
The current extent to which our planet is littered and the demand for new types of packaging don't allow us to be passive and ignorant, without knowledge, ideas for solutions and, finally, actions.
What can we do?
Which directions are dead ends, and which ones are worth investing in?
The thesis will be:
“Plastic – my biggest enemy, my biggest friend.”
Take part in the events, and decide what it's for you.
