Packages and closures for packaging

Another trade fair event is behind us, but more are ahead.

A representative of a cosmetics company, young people from a startup developing bio detergents, a manufacturer of cosmetics made by order, a biotechnologist and a representative of a logistics department and a company implementing AI assistants into offices....
Can a trade fair make you dizzy – certainly!
Are trade fairs the time when we learn most about ourselves, our company, about the needs we satisfy and about what we can improve?

When the market says – I check!

Trade fairs are, of course, the time when we present our offer, but this year has been exceptionally intense, with In-Pack in Kielce, Cosmopack in Bologna and WarsawPack in Nadarzyn behind us, whereas CosmeticBusiness in Munich and PCI Days in Warsaw still ahead of us. The intensity of presentations is one thing, but the variety of such events allows us to get in touch with really diverse companies which report demand for our packaging.
Such a confrontation is for all of us primarily the examination on whether our offer corresponds to the period of change in the packaging industry and requirements of clients from various branches of the market.

What new elements do we have to introduce?

For years we’ve had our finger on the pulse of the packaging law and changes related to environmental protection. Rarely does any conversation with a client today disregard that topic, so we are happy that we can responsibly provide answers to questions and dispel doubts, as our position of an expert is appreciated and respected.
We know that it’s the direction in which we have to develop. As early as today, our offer is extended with products with a simple construction, adapted to the selective waste collection, and they are devoid of elements which don’t constitute an important element in the packaging’s protective function.

What's another interesting observation is a new type of the client who not only knows what they want, but also wants is fast and from one source!
One of the features of Polpak Packaging’s DNA is to meet clients’ needs, which is why we are able not only to prepare our product offer, but also really quickly do the market research and find, among companies which offer complementary services, the supplier thanks to the cooperation with which we’ll present the final client the ready-made product.
No matter than whether it's about a printed element on the packaging or a label – we already have reliable partners.
This trade fair year is the first year in our history when we present those comprehensive solutions at our stands. Up to now we’ve shown dyed products, and today we’re adding labels and printed elements.
What can’t be seen is the offer on cutting or replacing the tube with a longer one in products from our regular distribution.
Presenting our offer, we’d like to add an “asterisk” next to each product, in order to elaborate on and explain what else can be done with it, how to improve it and create packaging that will be ready to be filled in.

Get to know the market
For some time now we’ve belonged to Creative Packaging Group Cluster, as part of which competing companies from the packaging industry cooperate. Thanks to that cooperation, we have access to fresh information from the industry, which is incredibly complex, modern and keeps changing, as regulations and technology keep developing. Our networking conversations conducted among the cluster members help us receive experts’ first-hand information on, for instance, digitalization, automation, production and other areas which have significant influence on today's production departments.
Thanks to such extensive knowledge we can, during trade fair conversations, give advice or refer to appropriate persons clients who look for solutions from a specific field to be implemented in their production plants.

We’d like to invite you to visit the Polpak Packaging trade fair stands –  in Munich (CosmeticBusiness – 5-6 June) and in Warsaw (PCI DAYS 19-20 June)!
Do ask us difficult questions!
Set high expectations for us, and let’s try together to create the perfect product!
